[Python] Ch0: Install Python: Windows

1. Install Package Manager

  • Chocolate

    It is the package manager for windows. Following the install step on the website to install it.

2. Install More Handy Terminal

  • ConEmu

    Using choco to install it.

    > choco install conemu

3. Install Git Bash

4. Open ConEmu

Opening ConEmu and choose git bash, then you can use Unix-commands.

5. Install Python3

  1. Install Miniconda3

    $ choco install miniconda3 --params="'/AddToPath:1'"

    then you can use conda and python

  2. If you want to use python3.6

    $ conda install python=3.6

    or create a new environment (Recommend)

    $ conda create --name py36 python=3.6

  3. Activate the environment of py36


Because git bash use MinTTY that doesn’t support interactive operation, If you want to use python interactive shell, you can follow the method as follows

$ python -i