[DS] Google Trends 01: Operate with Python

Get and Analysis the result of Google Trends with Python

Google Trends (Google搜尋趨勢) 是由Google 提供的線上搜尋趨勢服務,可以簡單的看出最近哪些關鍵字是熱門的。 但大規模分析 Google Trends 是很麻煩不切實際的,且有時候連打開網頁都懶, 那麼我們如何才能有夠有效的使用Google Trends呢?

  • pytrends:

    Unofficial API for Google Trends

    Allows simple interface for automating downloading of reports from Google Trends.
    Only good until Google changes their backend again :-P. When that happens feel free to contribute!

    這是一個非官方支援的API,允許從Google Trends下載資料(爬蟲)

Install pytrends package

!pip3 install pytrends

Connect to Google

  • Pandas:

    Python Data Analysis Library

import pandas as pd
from pytrends.request import TrendReq

pytrend = TrendReq()

Build Payload


"""Create the payload for related queries, interest over time anf interest by region"""
TrendReq.build_payload(self, kw_list, cat=0,
                       timeframe='today 5-y', geo='', gprop='')
  • Parameters:
    • kw_list:
      • keywords to get data for
      • Up to five terms in a list (最多五個)
    • timeframe: Date to start from
    • cat: Category to narrow resulta
    • geo: Two letter country abbreviation
    • gprop: What Google property to filter to
kw_list=['tea', 'coffe', 'coke', 'milk', 'water']

# timeframe=today 12-m': one year data
# geo='US': specifying location with U.S.
pytrend.build_payload(kw_list, timeframe='today 12-m', geo='TW')

# gprop=yputube: only want to see Youtube search trends
#pytrend.build_payload(kw_list, timeframe='today 12-m', geo='TW', gprop=youtube)

# cat=71: category
#pytrend.build_payload(kw_list, timeframe='today 12-m', geo='TW', gprop=youtube, cat=71)

Request data (Get results)

  • Interest Over Time
  • Historical Hourly Interest
  • Interest by REgion
  • Related Topics
  • Related Queries
  • Trending Searches
  • Top Charts
  • Suggestions

Interest Over Time

"""Request data from Google's Interest Over Time section and return a dataframe"""
  • Returns: pandas.Dataframe
interest_over_time_df = pytrend.interest_over_time()

Plot the result

Matplotlib 顯示中文請參考:

  1. Windows
  2. Mac
  3. Ubuntu
#!pip3 install matplotlib seaborn
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns


# 中文
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Noto Sans Mono CJK TC', 'sans-serif']
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False

%matplotlib inline
Make plots of DataFrame using Matplotlib
  • plot lines:

    DataFrame.plot.line(self, x=None, y=None, **kwargs)
axes = interest_over_time_df.plot.line(
    title='Interest Over Time')
axes.set_ylabel('Trends Index')
axes.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=13)

Google Keyword Suggestions

Return a list of additional suggested keywords that can be used to refine a trend search.

"""Request data from Google's Keyword Suggestions dropdown and return a dictionary"""
TrendReq.suggestions(self, keyword)
  • Parameters:
    • keyword:
      • keyword to get suggestions for
keywords = pytrend.suggestions(keyword='beer')
keywords_df = pd.DataFrame(keywords)
keywords_df.drop(columns='mid') # This column makes no sense


Return data for the related keywords to a provided keyword shown on Google Trends’ Related Queries section.

"""Request data from Google's Related Queries section and reutrn a dictionary of dataframe

If not top and/or rising related queries are found,
the value for the key "top" and/or "rising" will be None
  • Returns: dictionary of pandas.DataFrames
# Related Queries, return a dictionary of dataframe
related_queries = pytrend.related_queries()
{'Coronavirus': {'top':                             query  value
  0              taiwan coronavirus    100
  1                          taiwan     94
  2              coronavirus update     64
  3               coronavirus cases     52
  4                  coronavirus 中文     37
  5   thank you coronavirus helpers     33
  6                coronavirus news     31
  7                          corona     28
  8                  coronavirus us     27
  9                 coronavirus map     26
  10                          武漢 肺炎     26
  11              china coronavirus     24
  12               coronavirus tips     21
  13              world coronavirus     20
  14               coronavirus live     17
  15                coronavirus usa     17
  16                             疫情     15
  17                new coronavirus     15
  18          coronavirus in taiwan     14
  19              wuhan coronavirus     14
  20        coronavirus worldometer     13
  21       taiwan coronavirus cases     13
  22              italy coronavirus     13
  23           coronavirus symptoms     13
  24                   corona virus     13,
  'rising':                             query   value
  0              taiwan coronavirus  806850
  1                          taiwan  760150
  2              coronavirus update  520350
  3               coronavirus cases  421850
  4   thank you coronavirus helpers  264250
  5                  coronavirus us  217300
  6                 coronavirus map  210350
  7                           武漢 肺炎  207400
  8               china coronavirus  190500
  9                coronavirus tips  167400
  10              world coronavirus  161150
  11                coronavirus usa  135500
  12                             疫情  121000
  13          coronavirus in taiwan  113550
  14              wuhan coronavirus  111450
  15        coronavirus worldometer  107600
  16       taiwan coronavirus cases  105500
  17              italy coronavirus  104450
  18              coronavirus italy  100450
  19        taiwan news coronavirus   96200
  20                who coronavirus   95600
  21                          covid   94100
  22                    taiwan news   91750
  23                            who   87750
  24                 coronavirus uk   87600}}
COVID_19 = related_queries['Coronavirus']['top']
axes = COVID_19.plot.barh(x='query', y='value', figsize=(10,15))

pytrend.build_payload(kw_list=['Coronavirus'], timeframe='2020-01-01 2020-06-04')
covid_19_interest_over_time_df = pytrend.interest_over_time()
axes = covid_19_interest_over_time_df.plot.line(
    title='The Search Trends of COVID-19 in 2020')
axes.set_yticks([0, 25, 50, 75, 100])
axes.set_ylabel('Trends Index')
axes.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=13)