[DSA] Linked List 介紹

Linked List 介紹

Singly Linked List


Compare with array:

  • linked list: sequential access
  • array: random access


Dummy Head Node

Python code

dummy = ListNode(None)
dummy.next = head
curr = dummy

Doubly Linked List

在 Singly Linked List 時,當你要移除特定node時會很麻煩, 因為你不知道他的前一個node是誰,所以只能從Head開始一直next直到找到為止

Soulution: 在每個node裡多放一個prev的小紙條

這就是所謂的 Doubly Linked List

Iterator for Sequential Access


singly linked list;
for (node = head; node != end; node = node->next){

reverser doubly linked list;
for (node = tail; node != end; node = node->prev){

for (index = 0; index <= tail; index++){

只要結構差不多,都有這三個,那麼同樣的演算法就可以套用在不同data structure上

C++ STL List: a Doubly Linked List

  • 因為 List 是 Doubly Linked List,所以不能像arrayvector一樣進行 random access

Linked List for Sparse Vectors

Application: Sparse Vector in Scientific Computing

  • polynomial: can be viewed as special case of sparse vector

Merging Sparse Vectors

Q: algorithm for “merging” sparse vectors

  • running cursors algorithm

    while (!c1.end() && !c2.end()) {
      if (c1->order < c2->order) {
        res.insert_back(c1); c1++;
      } else if (c1->order > c2->order) {
        res.insert_back(c2); c2++;
      } else {
        res.insert_back(c1 "+" c2);
        c1++; c2++;
    insert_back others;

Linked List in Job interview

  1. Linked List Reversal

  1. Cycle in Linked List

    • tortoise-hare (turtle-rabbit) algorithm

      two pointers, one moving twice as fast (the hare) than the other (the tortoise).

  2. Middle of Linked List

    • two pass algorithm (O(N+N/2))
    • tortoise-hare algorithm

Binary search in Linked List: Skip List

一般在 Linked List 中 search 非常慢,因為它是 sequence search。那麼如何在 Linked List 中使用 binart search 來提升 search 速度呢?

The Tortoise-Hare Algorithm to find Middle element of Linked List

首先我們先來看看如何找 Linked List 的 中點 (middle),如下所示:

上面就是所謂的"龜兔賽跑演算法(tortoise-hare algorithm)"

想成: 一個是區間車每站都停,另一個是快車只停大站。

Python code

# find the middle of the linked list
slow = fast = head
while fast and fast.next:
    slow = slow.next
    fast = fast.next.next

# return the slow pointer,
# which is the middle node.
return slow

Skip list

所以在原來的 Linked List 上再加上幾個"快車"的 Linked List 就是 "Skip list",如下所示:

要找 15:

特快: 15 > "9", 15 < 20
快: 15 > 9, 15 > "11", 15 < 20
一般: 15 > 9, 15 > 11 -> find "15"

Other Example:
