GitLab CI/CD GitLab CI/CD is a powerful tool built into GitLab that allows you to apply all the continuous methods to your software with no third-party application or integration needed. Continuous Integration (CI): 持續整合 Continuous Delivery (CD): 持續交付 Continuous Deployment (CD): 持續發佈 How GitLab CI/CD works GitLab offers a continuous integration service. For each commit or push to trigger your CI
Get and Analysis the result of Google Trends with Python Google Trends (Google搜尋趨勢) 是由Google 提供的線上搜尋趨勢服務,可以簡單的看出最近哪些關鍵字是熱門的。 但大規模分析 Google
Google Trends to Google Data Studio Get the result form Google Trends Using gspread transform the data of Google Trends to Google Sheets Import the file of Google Sheets into Google Data Studio Get the result from Goolge Trends import pandas as pd from pytrends.request import TrendReq # Create an instance(實例) of TrendReq pytrend = TrendReq() # Build a
Matplotlib 顯示中文 Ref: Text with non-latin glyphs 下載思源體(下面兩種任選一種皆可) 思源黑體 思源宋體 Then, Windows Mac Ubuntu Windows 查看matplotlib套件安裝位置 import matplotlib print(matplotlib.__file__) Output: C:\Users\USER\Miniconda3\envs\tensorflow\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\ 可以得知,ma
Python Basics Interactive Shell Compiled language v.s. Interpreted language Compiled language (編譯語言) Through compiler convert source code into machine code and execute it. C/C++ Go Rust Interpreted language (直譯語言) Execute the code step-by-step. Python JavaScript Ruby PHP Python Interactive Shell Python is a Interpreted language. It means it excutes the code line by line. Python provides a Python Shell (Python