[DSA] Linked List 介紹

Linked List 介紹 Singly Linked List Access Compare with array: linked list: sequential access array: random access Maintenance Dummy Head Node Python code dummy = ListNode(None) dummy.next = head curr = dummy Doubly Linked List 在 Singly Linked List 時,當你要移除特定node時會很麻煩, 因為你不知道他的前一個

[C++] 多重繼承 (Multiple Inheritance)

最近面試被問到多重繼承相關的問題,簡單做個紀錄~ Multiple Inheritance (多重繼承) An object or class can inherit characteristics and features from more than one parent object or parent class. Virtual base classes Virtual base classes are used in virtual inheritance, is a way of preventing multiple "instance" of a

[C++] i++ 與 ++i 的差別

發現自己很容易搞混這兩個,於是簡單做個筆記記錄~ i++ 與 ++i i++: post-increment 在這一行程式完成之後,再進行+1的動作 ++i: pre-increment 先進行+1,再進行後面的動作 Example int x; int y; //

[Qt] Qt's Paint System

前言 最近因為再研究labeling tool的關係,於是又重新把Qt的繪圖系統重新研究了一下 Qt’s Paint System Qt's paint system enables painting on screen and print devices using the same API, and is primarily based on the QPainter, QPaintDevice,